Well, it started off with a big day for our little Olivia. Yes, you guessed it. . . she got her first pig tails. It was adorable, although I'm not sure why, or how it's possible, but the pigtails actually made her look more mischievous than normal. Check for yourself.
Next on the agenda - Andrew, calm down. You did make the "Chronicles". The girls were very excited to see their friends home from college. Micki & Andrew were home from Austin and Risa came from Denton. They really miss you guys!
So, Easter morning came and I think that Olivia was still a bit confused about the bunny and basket. She'll get it soon enough. Juliana was very excited to see what the bunny had brought her and very willing to share with her Aunt Teresa.
Next came church where they got to wear the beautiful dresses that Omi sent. Don't they look like little dolls? Too bad they didn't act like dolls while we were in church.
This next picture is one of only a few "family photos". I guess since we are always taking the pictures we don't often take one of us all together. Too bad we didn't take the picture before we took off the beautiful dresses
So after some delicious "Dirty Burgers" and Bunny Cake we headed out for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Some people had some help! No fair Andrew!
Frankly I think that Juliana thought we were all crazy. She was too busy swinging to pay us any attention.
ReplyDeleteNow i must shoot for Perez Hilton :)
haha. I can't wait 'til I'm home again.