Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Action Needed - Please Vote!!!!!
Chase Bank is giving away $5 million to various charities and they are letting the public decide which one. The Rett Syndrome Research Trust is among the many non-profits in the running. The results of the research that would come out of this type of gift could be life changing for Juliana and the thousands of girls like her. Please vote! Round 1 for voting ends on Dec. 11 and then a second round a voting begins which will give you a chance to vote again. I've said it before and I'll say it again, The science is there, the funding is not. Please help us by voting for the Rett Syndrome Research Trust!

Monday, November 16, 2009
My Big Girl!
Presenting Juliana's very first school picture! Doesn't she look so old? She is losing all the baby and turning into such a good little girl. My how time flies!
For some strange reason, I think I have mentioned this before, Juliana finds coughing and sneezing absolutely hilarious. So her teachers explained that getting this cute shot took a little work. Apparently the whole room broke out into a coughing frenzy just to get this little smile. I think it was worth it! I love that her teachers know her so well and will do what it takes to get the job done!

Monday, November 9, 2009
Country Mouse & City Mouse
Well, we finally were able to start Juliana's therapy at Spirit Horse Therapeutic Center. It is an awesome ranch that provides therapy to all kinds of kids with special needs and they do this at NO cost to the families. They run strictly on donations. They are amazing!
Let me just warn you that there are a lot of pictures, so feel free to scroll, there were just too many to choose from (thanks Hannah!)
Here is Juliana getting acquainted with her horse, Spirit!
This is us brushing Spirit as we put on our best "Country Mouse" face. You would never know this is our first time brushing a horse. Look how hard Olivia is concentrating. She is even curling her tongue.
More tongue curling. . .
This is us getting so excited because maybe it's almost time to get on the horse!!!!!

Two more City Mice, Marisa & Hannah!
Spirit getting a little excited.
This is Olivia's newest favorite spot to be at any given time of the day. Lucky me!
Let me just warn you that there are a lot of pictures, so feel free to scroll, there were just too many to choose from (thanks Hannah!)
Here is Juliana getting acquainted with her horse, Spirit!
Awww, Teamwork makes the Dream work!!!!!
Two more City Mice, Marisa & Hannah!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Rett Syndrome Public Service Announcement
Please take a few seconds to watch this video and pass it on to everyone you know!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Girl Power 2 Cure Garage Sale Fun!
Well, we've be meaning to post this for a couple of weeks now but just have been running out of time every day but we finally got it done! The Central Texas Dream Team hosted a HUGE GARAGE SALE to raise money for Rett Syndrome Research. We cannot say THANK YOU enough to everyone who volunteered their time and donations to pull this event off! Huge thanks go to Teresa for pulling all of the donated items together and to Russ for lending us his garage and home for the day! It was a beautiful day with friends and family and the song attached says it all! Hope you enjoy and as always, our journey to find a cure countinues.....
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