Welcome back to the Brooks Chronicles. Something I haven't touched in awhile, but these times are calling for us to chronicle our lives as we head into uncharted territory with Corona Virus. So as of today, March 22, 2020 we are under a bit of quarantine. All non essential businesses are closed. Restaurants and bars are closed for dine in and most businesses are work from home only. Our spring break started Friday, March 13 and runs thru Monday, March 23rd. So technically, we have been on 'spring break' even though it has felt like a full blown quarantine. So far this week we have:
Made homemade blueberry scones
Lounged around a bit
completed a 1,000 piece Thomas Kinkade puzzle
Snacked a bit (don't judge)
Made some homemade eggplant parmesean
We started watching the entire Star Wars movies (me and the girls had seen none of them), cleaned the house, started reading a book together, cleaned and organized the playroom and Liv decided to move upstairs to one of the spare rooms. Her and Jules are taking turns, sometimes sleeping upstairs and sometimes sleeping downstairs. So they now have their own room, but take turns sleeping together.

Today I went to Costco. Kind of a big deal. It's weird because we are consumed by all the media and all that's going on and you go out and drive and it looks so normal. The trees are still green and blooming, cars still on the road. Just hard to believe that in this place that looks so normal there is something out there that is endangering so many people. The store is only allowing so many customers at a time, so there was a bit of a line to get in. On a plus note they were wiping down each cart as they handed it to you. Some peculiar things: Limits on things like water, canned chicken etc. Signs reminding you to stay 6 feet away from everyone. Meat completely out well except for some plant based meat (great time to be plant based) Some people wearing masks. Some people wearing masks with their nose hanging out of the mask. News flash - if you want the mask to be effective you have to keep nose and mouth covered. Then on the other hand some families were shopping with the whole family including kids like nothing was happening. The toll road that usually costs about $1.27 - $1.67 was at .24 cents. A dog park I passed on the way home was full. Way more than 10 people. Just crazy. But got us stocked with all of our staples and some treats. Now hoping to buckle down, stay home, stay safe and healthy. Tuesday starts distance learning!!! Let's see how that goes!
Here's some thoughts from our girls:
Jules - So far I am feeling good.
Liv - I'm a little unsure. I mean I love spending time with my fam, but how long is this going to take to blow over. I've been actually hoping we get on lockdown, but now that its happened and why its happened were, well, all for the wrong reasons. I've LOVED all this free time and making my new room and spending time with my family, but its at the cost of people dying. I guess, today, I've realized that we have to slow down sometimes and if we don't, then God will for us. We have to appreciate the little things in life that matter. Like watching a movie as a family at home or even something as simple as eating family together as a family. Because if we don't recognize these things, God will SHOW us how to recognize it.