Monday, November 29, 2010

Super Stars!

Check out my super stars.  Juliana and her daddy were recently featured in a story by our local television station ICTN (Irving Community Television Network).  They were doing a story about Our Children's House (Juliana's daycare), featuring Juliana.  It is an amazing place and we are so happy to have Juliana there!


  1. Very cool! Roger is a great spokesman! I absolutely love the shots of Juliana laughing-what a gorgeous girl.

  2. Superstars, Superstars...nothing else to say!!!

  3. Juju holds a place in all of our hearts. I am forever changed by her life and her Mom and Dad and sister. Juju is an inspiration to me and my family. Someday there will be a cure and it will be a celebration of the century. I am so proud of her and her day to day work that she does and she will be ready when the cure comes her way. Great job Roger.....
