This weekend was the girls last day of Sunday school for the year. Like everything else this has been a great year with lots of learning. We were a little, let's say curious, how Juliana would be accommodated in this religious education class. It's not like public school, where these things are to be expected. These are volunteers who may or may not have had training or experience with special needs children. I have to say we were very pleased and proud of our church. Their teachers, although new to this, were awesome and loved having her in class. And the diocese as a whole has taken on a new initiative for special needs kids. They want to do everything to make them feel included and give them the same religious education that all kids have. This year, Roger and I took turns going with the girls to class to assist. It's not like we are these over bearing parents that don't trust people with our kids, it's just that it takes awhile to "learn" Juliana and with this being a once a week class, teachers don't really have that luxury, so we stayed to help out. Well, because our diocese is working so hard, they have told us that they may have trained people in place in the fall so that we may leave her in class without one of us having to stay with her. How awesome! Not that I don't love going to Sunday school, but what kid wants their parent around 24/7. I think she wants independence.
This week we decided we would both go since it was graduation and all, so here is Roger and girls taking in the lesson
I guess only Roger got the joke
Music time with instruments!
Juliana being presented her certificate and necklace
Olivia being presented her (pretend) certificate. She was technically not enrolled because she was only 3 years old in the fall. You have to be 4 to start in the pre-school class. She didn't know the difference, now we will just have to figure out how to explain to her that she will be in the same class again next year and Juliana will be moving on.
Ms. Azaria, Ms. Isa & Ms. Betty - Thanks for a great year!