Monday, August 24, 2009

My First Day of School!

Well, we survived the first day of school! Yeah!!! Only 179 more to go! We can do it gang! Unfortunately we broke the tradition this year of taking a team first day picture, but here are a few we did get.

Here is Lindsay getting down with some Cheezits! Don't blame her . . . Baby Tanner demands them!

This was our first attempt at a picture. It looks bad at first glance but this is actually what the first day felt like - One big blur.

This is much better. This is half our First Grade Team in front of Lindsay's beautiful board. It's kind of weird that we all wore black. Hmmm. . . what are we mourning? Oh yeah, our freedom and summer! Ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at your "only 179" more days to go comment - you sound just like my sister (who teaches 3rd grade!) She had to change her seating chart the SECOND day of school - yikes she has some that are going to give some gray hair this year!
