Olivia has become quite the writer these days. She's actually obsessed with note pads, note books and sticky notes. And she leaves us notes - on varying topics but all quite entertaining.
The first one is addressed to God (Notice she put a return address label in case God doesn't have our address.)
And in case you don't read Kinder (I love you God. You are the best. Thank you God for all the things that you give to us. Love Olivia and Juju and daddy and mommy. Love)
Not sure why we got on this topic but we were discussing when she got married to make sure she picks the right man. And she said, but how do you know he's the "right" man. I said he has to be someone special like you with a good heart, good morals etc. So she says, "Mommy, could you just pick a husband for me?" And I choked on whatever was in my mouth and said "Sure, but can I get that in writing?" Certainly she said. In case you can't read Kinder writing "I will let mommy pick a husband for me - Olivia

Then she decided she would start writing messages on the calendar each month. This was the first message. "listen to our bodies" I asked her what does that mean? She said, "Well you know, if your body is hurting you might be sick or if your tummy says it's not hungry, then don't eat". Now that is sage advice. If only I could master the second one. Then one night as we are on our way out for a date, which we always refer to as "mommy and daddy have to go to a meeting", Olivia shouts "Mommy look at my new message!" I tell her I can't "We gotta go Liv, the movie, er umm, I mean the meeting starts in just a few minutes. So I get home to see the message and it was "Plees let me go to medings!" Translation "Please let me go to meetings!" I could kick myself for not taking that picture.
And the last, and my favorite is one she left in my office on my desk!